Discover Laguna de Alchichica, One of the Best Kept Secrets in Puebla, Mexico

Laguna de Alchichica, Puebla

I wasn’t expecting to visit this place. I booked this private tour to Cantona ruins so all I expected to do that day was explore the Cantona archaeological site. I didn’t know that my tour would later take me to this otherworldly lagoon known as Laguna de Alchichica. A bright turquoise blue, Laguna Alchichica is … Read more

Discover Cantona Ruins, the Most Well-Preserved Archaeological Site in Mexico You’ve Never Heard Of

Cantona ruins in Puebla, Mexico

Whenever I visit one of these archaeological sites, I try to imagine what life must have been like at the height of the city’s power. Where did the people live? How did they live? Where did they go to buy (or barter for) their food and supplies and what did they do to pass the … Read more